Default stars rating widget
Custom design rating widget
Blue theme 6 middle stars rating widget
Green theme 7 middle stars rating widget
Red theme 8 big stars rating widget
Black theme 10 big stars rating widget

Star Rating Widget

Rating service with login through any social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram and other.

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WidgetPack rating widget

Search engine indexing pages in Google with Rich Snippet for Rating out of the box Support

Support AggregateRating microdata format to boost indexing ratings in Google.


HTTPS protocol support.

Customizable Stars

Ability to change number of stars, color and height.


Users can vote through social networks, browser (by cookie) and IP address.

Multiple widgets

Ability to place multiple rating widgets on one page.

Zero effect on load time

Our widget uses only the latest technology, such as SVG and HTML5 and load asynchronously.


Full-features moderation panel with group, ban, search operations.


Works on any mobile and desktop platform include ancient and modern browsers.

Sign Up to attract users through ratings now in 3 easy steps